Table of Contents
Are you ready to truly ascend to the 4th density level of Unity consciousness?
Discover the neurobiological science of Kundalini Awakening and the importance of what it represents metaphysically for the evolution of YOUR consciousness.
Learn the tools and protocols to facilitate your OWN safe and gradual Kundalini Awakening and Heart Chakra activation.
Are you seeking a powerful catalyst to transform your spiritual journey and propel you to new heights?
Do you feel like you’re settling for less than your full potential in your spiritual growth?
Are you ready to break through barriers and experience profound shifts in your state of Being?
Do you want to connect with your True Nature and align with your highest self?
Heart Centered Self Realization
Enlightenment is a condition that manifests naturally once your nervous system is properly prepared for it. Enlightenment is a neurobiological transformation of your entire nervous system from a 3rd density level to a 4th density level.
In this virtual retreat of self-initiated Kundalini Awakening you will discover the “4th Density Ascension Protocol” we call 4DAP. The classically known “Kundalini” is really our 4th Density energy, lying dormant within the nervous system and awaiting activation.
4DAP is an easy to use system of spiritual ascension tools. Comprising of advanced yoga practices and integrated techniques designed to facilitate this inner transformation by safely and gradually raising the Kundalini Life Force up through your 7 energy centers (or Chakras). This system walks you through the activation process using powerful ancient yogic practices, breathwork, meditation, and non-sitting practices.
An hour online virtual retreat to help you return to Unity Consciousness and unlock your Highest Spiritual Potential using ancient practices.
What you will do?
- You will be shown how to work with and awaken your Kundalini energy at your own pace.
- You will learn the science, metaphysics, and practical application of Kundalini Awakening.
- Through ancient yogic practices, breathwork, meditation, and non-sitting practices, you will awaken your Heart and shift permanently from separation to Unity Consciousness.
What you will learn?
- You will learn how to awaken your own Kundalini energy and ground it within your body.
- You’ll also receive tools to help manage any painful symptoms that may arise during the process.
- You’ll be guided through the steps to activate your Heart Chakra, allowing you to experience the Bliss of Oneness.
- As you progress, you’ll have the opportunity to heal negative karma and unlock the power of your intuition.
- Ultimately, you’ll transcend ego consciousness and return to Unity Consciousness.
Course Overview
I’ll show you how to directly work with and awaken your own Kundalini energy at your own pace. I will be teaching you the science, metaphysics and practical application of Kundalini Awakening so that you can use it as a spring board to awaken your Heart and shift permanently from separation to Unity consciousness.
- Learn how to awaken your own Kundalini
- Learn how to ground Kundalini energy in the body
- Return to Unity Consciousness
- Learn the tools to manage painful Kundalini symptoms
- Heal your negative karma
- Unlock the power of your intuition
- Transcend ego consciousness
- Activate the Heart Chakra and experience the bliss of Oneness
I was raised as an evangelical pastor’s kid. All I wanted, was to follow in my father’s footsteps, take over the ministry and become a pastor myself. At 22, I became one. I studied music and theology. I started my job as a pastor and married a devout Christian. I was devoted to knowing God and truth. My faith in Christ meant everything to me.
The Church I found myself working at was extremely fundamentailst. I really did not resonate with the dogmatic beliefs around everyone going to hell and rapture descending at any moment. I began having a huge identity crisis. Eventually I made the heartbreaking decision to quit my life as a pastor, and leave my religion. I lost everything, my friendships, my community, my wife and worst of all, my family.
I had a different calling, my spiritual ascension pathway was not through Christianity. I felt that deeply, and began my quest for my true spirituality. I dove deep into Eastern traditions, primarily Hinduism and Buddhism.
After having lost everything, I filled the hole in my life with fitness. As a very embodied person I was very attracted to fitness and pursued it very seriously, maybe even obsessively as seems to happen to people. I started working as a personal trainer at Google’s headquarters. I was a signed fitness model in San Francisco and competed at the national level and won first place in all my bodybuilding competitions. Despite appearing to ‘have it all’ from a worldly perspective I was so depressed and unfulfilled.
Then one day as I was in my daily spiritual practise something incredible happened to me. I experienced ego death for the first time in my life, for exactly two weeks. I felt nothing but sublime bliss and was in a kind of Buddha state. Then two weeks later the first egoic thought came into my head and I thought “I wonder if I am enlightened now”. And just like that my ego had returned with a vengeance and I was thrown into my own “dark night of the soul”. It was at that moment that I vowed to myself that if I could “reverse-engineer” myself back into that state of consciousness again, I would devote my life to teaching it to the world.
I quit my modeling career, I quit bodybuilding, and devoted my whole life to spiritual seeking and practice.
After a decade of devoted spiritual seeking, I had my Kundalini Awakening. I began experiencing strange physical and psychological symptoms that I could not explain. Burning sensations all throughout my nervous system. Incredibly vivid dreams that would often predict my future. Intense heart chakra openings, that made me feel so happy and feel so much love for everyone and everything. These symptoms increased, until one night I awoke to what I can only describe as a dragon breathing fire up my spine. It pierced through all of my chakras and out the crown of my head. The experience cannot be adequately explained in words, but suffice to say, my life was radically altered forever, once again.
Then began my obsession with understanding this neurobiological process, what causes it, and how to facilitate it.
I am here to show you that the world of enlightenment is absolutely available to anyone who wants it. That freedom from suffering is not some lofty and unattainable goal only available to monks, but is, in fact, your destiny. My mission in this life is to assist humanity in our spiritual evolution to the next level of consciousness – The 4th Density.
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