Table of Contents
The 15-Step Framework behind the Top 0.1% of LinkedIn Profiles.
Take the exact 15 Steps we took to write dominant LinkedIn profiles that provoked INSTANT responses from giants like Amazon, Microsoft, and Zalando SE.
If you want to craft a profile that stands out & DOMINATES 99+% of LinkedIn profiles, attract your ideal client/company through CLEAR MESSAGING, and ultimately get your prospects to take ACTION…
…then this 15-Step Framework is a NO-BRAINER for you.
My old LinkedIn profile SUCKED.
Back in the day, I knew nothing about LinkedIn profiles.
Like everyone else, I thought it was pretty much an online CV.
I wrote a few facts about myself, listed my skills & accomplishments, and filled in my work history.
The end result didn’t exactly look amazing, but since I was comparing it to everyone else’s, I thought “It will do”.
Then one cold January morning I hopped on a call with Dina.
The next 45 min changed everything.
We got talking, and she mentioned she was charging $1,407 for writing her clients’ profiles.
I was shocked. “People pay THAT much?”
“Stevan, I’m actually undercharging.
Here’s the catch:
1. People who hire me generate opportunities worth much more than $1,407 through their LinkedIn profiles.
2. 99% of these people can’t verbalise their value & don’t have any idea how to write the profile that brings results.
3. And when I say “results”, I mean successfully converting clients, getting all the juicy job offers, and business opportunities that other people don’t.
THAT’S why they pay.”
Damn. A couple of fair points there.
I was hooked.
Then she let me in on her secret –
“Your LinkedIn profile isn’t your CV, it shouldn’t be written for everybody, and it’s definitely NOT about you.
It’s a targeted Landing Page for your Ideal Audience, and it should be talking about THEM.”
“Ok, let me be blunt.
Right now, the people who read your profile think you’re nothing special.”
-Not gonna lie, that revelation hurt a little.
“But when they read my clients’ profiles, they say I need that person in my life.”
“Mhm, I see.”
It all made sense, but I had to see it with my own eyes…
The project that made ALL the difference.
Fast forward 6 months, we started working on our first profile together.
The client, Mario, was a Security Manager who aimed high.
Sick and tired of working in warzones, he wanted to secure a Senior position at a Big Corp in Europe.
But there was a problem.
He had the “wrong experience”, and lacked Higher Education – meaning he didn’t meet the basic requirements to get a Senior position in Europe.
On top of that, I knew nothing about Security Management.
It took tons of research & three drafts before we hit the right tone.
Altogether there must’ve been 45 FULL pages of text.
I was dead tired.
Turns out, I wasn’t the only one who thought that way.
Microsoft, Amazon, and Zalando SE also shared my opinion.
So they reached out to Mario.
He went from struggling to find a job, to having three multibillion-dollar companies COMPETE FOR HIM.
“Great accomplishment Stevan, but what’s all that got to do with 15 Steps?”
I’m getting there, don’t worry.
After Mario came a whole bunch of clients, a US Diplomat here, a Californian Lobbyist there, and a few people with high-paying jobs I didn’t even know existed.
But none of them were the people I was talking to on a daily basis.
So I came up with an idea.
“Dina, why aren’t we selling the profile writing process?”
“Who would buy it?”
“Everyone who can’t afford to invest $3,997 in our profile copywriting.
They simply follow a step-by-step Guide, and we give them relevant Examples, Frameworks, and Formulas.
So they get a proven, easily replicable process to successfully write everything on their own.”
“Fuck man, you’re a genius. Let’s do it.”
That’s how 15 Steps to Writing a Killer LinkedIn profile was born.
Turn your profile into your 24/7 Sales Rep.
So here’s the thing.
A “good” LinkedIn profile is not good enough.
Anything less than “bloody amazing” is costing you money.
If you’re a:
- Freelancer looking for clients,
- Business Owner, C-suite, or Entrepreneur growing a business,
- Startup Founder trying to get funded,
- LinkedIn Creator growing your audience,
- or an Employee looking for a better job…
…people WILL be looking at your profile.
And depending on what they read – they will either take you seriously, or move on.
Simple as that.
To make sure scenario A happens, you need to treat your LinkedIn profile as your Personal Brand’s Landing Page, instead of following the forgettable resume format.
So skip hours of contemplating, and simply follow the step-by-step Framework that generated MASSIVE results time & again.
You’ll discover:
The 3 crucial principles you absolutely MUST know about when writing an effective profile…if you want to get more calls booked…more sales…and more profits.
Effective Headline Formulas that spike your target market’s curiosity.
What to put on your Background Photo. (The chances are it’s not what you think it is.)
Proven Techniques to frame the first sentence of your About section, and compel the reader to keep on reading.
How to IDENTIFY & CONNECT with the reader’s PAINS & BENEFITS. (The core of your About section.)
How to build AUTHORITY & present your SOLUTION. (Without sounding like a sleazy car salesman.)
How to impel the reader to take ACTION, i.e. email you, DM you, or book a Consulting Call.
The Customer-Centric approach you should be using, opposed to the mainstream Company-Centric approach that will NEVER convert.
Copy Principles that Professional Copywriters use to persuade.
How to write the beginning, middle & end of every previous Experience you had, while proving HOW does that experience make you the Expert you are TODAY.
How to MASSIVELY stand out from the crowd by using the art of Storytelling.
How to go right where others go wrong; if you want your profile to convert – don’t talk about yourself, or your company.
EXAMPLES guiding you to successfully apply each step.
These 15 Steps can be used by anyone, regardless of your:
- Industry.
- Level of expertise.
- Goal. (Looking for clients/employment, growing brand awareness, pivoting career, etc.)
…Because the final result is positioning yourself as the first choice for your Target Market, and get them to reach out to YOU.
And to MAKE SURE you have absolutely everything to write a profile that sells, we packed this guide with five mind-blowing Bonuses – at ZERO cost for you.
Sales Page:_